by Admin Registik | Apr 28, 2023 | Scholarship, Student Affairs
Referring to the Decree of the Head of Central Java Province Bank Indonesia Representative number: 25/12/Kep.Ka.Kpw/EKSTERN/Sm/2023 Concerning Bank Indonesia 2023 Scholarship Recipients at Diponegoro University, below we inform you of the list of names of Diponegoro...
by Admin Registik | Apr 13, 2023 | Scholarship, Slide, Student Affairs
Amount of Scholarship Students who have passed will receive a scholarship of IDR 800,000 per month starting from August 2023 to. July 2024. Terms Students of Indonesian nationality Active student Study Program Bachelor degree: from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty...
by Admin Registik | Mar 29, 2023 | Slide, Student Affairs
Following up on directions from the Chancellor of Diponegoro University regarding adjusting the schedule for distributing healthy food, it was decided that: Starting Wednesday, March 29, 2023 s.d. Thursday, April 13 2023 registration for healthy food will start at...
by Admin Registik | Mar 28, 2023 | Academic, Scholarship, Student Affairs
In connection with the commencement of the selection of KIP Lectures at Diponegoro University in 2023 for the SNBP Pathway, we will inform you about the technical provisions for selecting prospective students for KIP Lectures at Diponegoro University. Students who are...
by Admin Registik | Mar 3, 2023 | Academic, Student Affairs
Following up on directions from the Chancellor of Diponegoro University regarding the adjustment of the healthy food quota, the healthy food quota which was originally distributed every Tuesday and Wednesday will be carried out additional days to Monday to. Thursday....
by Admin Registik | Feb 16, 2023 | Academic, Student Affairs
About KJMU The Jakarta Excellent Student Card (KJMU) is a program that provides assistance with the Cost of Improving the Quality of Education for PTN/PTS candidates/students from economically disadvantaged families and have good academic potential to increase access...